Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Yeah. I'm still here :)

It's been a long winter folks. Very long. I'm thinking my 8 faithful followers are getting pretty sick of checking to see if I've posted anything since Thanksgiving 2010 :) Why haven't I posted since then you ask? I'm not sure, but mainly I just haven't had much to say, I guess. We have had a very snowy winter here in mid-MO and the kids were off of school so much I spent a lot of time entertaining them. I heard we had more than 55 inches of snow this winter and that was before it snowed 2 more times!

So, I think I'm back on track...I've spent some time thinking about what purpose I want this blog to serve, and I guess I'm still not too sure about that, but I know I love to share recipes, crafts/scrapbooks and photos. So, that is likely what you'll be getting! I have a great go-to dinner recipe to share tomorrow....

What are you having for dinner tonight?

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